Happy New Year to you too! I am delighted to see your blog and your wonderful creations. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for following. Many blessings to you in this new year. Hugs, Terri
Hola Anna, gracias por tu visita y hacerte seguidora. Yo también soy seguidora tuya ahora y me encantan tus trabajos. Los sombreros me han impactado, son preciosos. Saludos.
Mit meinen zwei Töchtern (Jahrgang 1983 und 2001), zwei Katern und einer Hündin lebe ich im Ruhrgebiet.
Beim Handarbeiten kann ich mich entspannen, nachdenken, sortieren,...
* A Mini Miniature Show has started today! I have 5 new kits I have enjoyed
designing, the bunny burrow was really fun! Have a great day! You can find
Un día mas presto mi blog a un tutorial del calendario. Esta vez es de
Elsa Campuzano. Empezamos:
Con verdadero gusto, participo ...
Wool CQ Xmas Tree Episode #3
I started this Christmas tree with the purchase of a kit from Quilter's
Station in Lee's Summit, Missouri, back in 2014 0r 2...
It is a long time since I have been making miniatures or posting, but here
I am again 😀 I have made some progress with my beach scene: there are a
August sublime... With raindrop symphonies and droplets on windows. After
the heat of July, the moody weather of August has been a dream. Big fluffy
Yes, redux! Back again! The Beacon Hill has been in and out of the workshop
for more than 10 years. I've lost track of when it was started. Tweaks and ...
....macht Spass.
Und zwar besonders, wenn man sie vorher zu Hunderten gewickelt hat.
Das Einräumen entschädigt für die "Plackerei".
An dem Gitter will...
12 January 2020 - doesn't Christmas seem a long time ago?
Sorting through the boxes is slow progress when you keep rediscovering
things and getting distr...
Fabulantes emerges as a meeting place for lovers of genre literature
(Science Fiction, Fantasy and Terror) and also the comic.
Un año más nos reencontramos con el calendario. Este año he decidido probar
de hacer unos cuadernos que siempre me han gustado, los de espiral
Vamos a nec...
*Buenas, aquí os muestro un breve resumen de la 3ª edición de la Feria de
Casitas y Miniaturas de Utrera (Sevilla) que tuvo lugar el primer fin de
Thank you so much to those of you who have purchased the Dresden Photo
Frame pattern from my shop. I really hope you will find it as fun and
addictive a...
Hi all. Just a quick post to show you photos of the very tiny and adorable
gift basket I won from Deborah Randolph of The Half of it. Augh it's all so
Here comes some old pics of my café....
You can also find me on FB ( miniatyrmama Lena Jangren) and Instagram (
lenakarin66) and Pinterest (Lena Minia...
*Ich bin noch vorhanden.... *
*allerdings hatte ich in der letzten Zeit keinen Kopf für Minis.*
*Aber aus meinem Leben *
*sind die Miniaturen noch nicht ver...
In the comments of the previous post, several of you mentioned that you
were not familiar with water pumps in kitchens, so I will tell you a little
bit abo...
Version Française
I have a problem with Mr Greg Madl from Swanhouse Miniatures...AGAIN.
Here are the plain and simple facts, we have all documents to bac...
Many people use Yahoo Questions and sometimes some pretty funny ones will
pop up during searches. I stumbled on my *amazingly* relevant Yahoo
Question ...
Hallo an alle Puppenhausverrückten aus dem Ruhrgebiet (oder solche, die
sogar noch weiter anreisen würden)! Ich löse meine Sammlung komplett auf
und mac...
Jual software pabrik – perkembangan dunia industri menjadi sesuatu yang
patutnya diperhatikan. Betapa tidak, kian hari perkembangan industri kian
maju, ki...
I've had so much fun making things and decorating the farmhouse for Easter.
My fabulously talented friend Kim Saulter made the beautiful rose topped
Hello there!
Yes, I'm back... sweeping off the cobwebs, dusting things off, letting some
sunlight in... It's been awhile (six months maybe?) Apologies, but...
To quote an old song title... I had Wednesday Witches here this week. Then
I started cleaning up the back yard.
It was a mess from all of the snow... It...
Asi he empezado el año, con este proyecto que tantas ganas
tenia de hacer.
Y sigo quejandome de lo mismo que el ultimo trabajo que hice,
los patrones ...
Lieve mensen,
Voor jullie allemaal een geweldig en creatief 2019!
Mijn eerste creatie's zijn alweer geboren,
dit keer prachtige korsetjes voor mijn sexy...
Vihdoin pääsimme liki lopumattomalla listalla kohtaan, jossa luki: Suskin
tietokone. Nyt on koneen sisuskalut päivitetty, eikä tarvitse lyödä päätä
Well, here I am! Back to blogging! I've missed you! I haven't worked on
minis for four years!
I was recently inspired to make a Christmas gift for my s...
Easy Mini Tree Trims and Garlands
NOTE: I shared this idea several years ago on one of my groups and
apologize if you've read this T2T already, but with...
If you have been following me for very long you may have remember where I
did a post about making the best molds and castings? Well I spent some time
in my...
Hertan "Talo nro 2" on nyt mietinnän alla. Testikokoamisen jälkeen sain
paremman mielikuvan talon mittasuhteista. Talo alkoi ns. kertoa, millainen
siitä vo...
For anyone who *truly loves animals *and has ever had a pet, you know they
are more than that. They are part of your family. In my case Kilmouski was
It's been a while since I have posted here, and I thought it's time to give
some update for all my dear readers on Blogger.
First of all - I haven't disappe...
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. But here are my latest two. Emerson, the
little saw whet owl has sold. But Queen Beetrice is available on eBay now. ...
It has been so incredibly long since I have typed a post! I had thought
long and hard whether to close it down, continue to let it sit or start it
back up...
Ого, как же давно я тут не была!..
Привет всем!
Есть тут ещё кто-нибудь? Или все переселились на ФБ и ИГ?
Ну, в любом случае, я тут и покажу несколько дев...
Hello Everyone!
We want to welcome everyone to the
Gecko Galz 7th Annual Blog Hop
This is your sixth stop on our Tricks and Treats Blog Hop!
We have 14 A...
I have long admired the work of miniature artist Lidi Stroud .....in
particular her wonderful French picnic basket (with wine carrier attached).
So yo...
Tervehdys nukkistelijat. Pienen kesätauon jälkeen on taas aika kokoontua
askartelujen äärelle 2.8 keskiviikkona klo 15-20.
Aiheena tällä kertaa kodinkonee...
As I progressed with telling the story of my dollhouse family, I strived
for more realism. One of the things was to dress the dolls in clothes
rather that...
Kemudian bilas dengan air suam. Itulah terakhir beberapa cara-cara membuat
topeng menggunakan bahan-bahan semulajadi yang tradisional, jika anda masih
If you ever come by the Champagne Region in northern France, you can now
visit my atelier and see how the fairies are being made. This end of year I
Et voilà...
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture de notre Boutique Etsy !!!
Vous y trouverez un choix de meubles et accessoires miniatures disponib...
De VW kever is er nog eentje uit de verlanglijst. Een auto uit mijn
Die moest ook een ere plaats krijgen maar hoe? .....daar moest eens over
Psst! Did you hear? People are arguing about what is better, like vaping
eliquids or smoking tabacco. To help figure out how this is actually
working, we’r...
Hadde en fantastisk uke i London .Var på ett 2 dagers kurs hos Geoff
Wonnacott å laget et skrivebord .
Her er litt bilder fra messen
The Ham House laget av...
Here's a few pictures of a carving I did last autumn. I received a request
of a wonderful company that still uses an ancient technique to create
Diesmal ein etwas außergewöhnliches Stickwerk für meinen Blog, aber was
macht man nicht alles, wenn man einen kleinen Jungen großzuziehen hat.
Wie wahrsc...
Free Quilt Designs for my newsletter subscribers.
For your free motion quilting practice or for a beautiful applique quilt.
[image: Free Quilt Designs]
If y...
Just a reminder post to let you know that I've moved! The new site is
called Colorways By Vicki Welsh and I hope you will join me there. To
change your blo...
Shown are some pictures taken for the Mother's Day Feature for the American
Miniaturist Magazine May 2016 ISSUE #157. I really enjoyed creating this
After a long time of no miniatures,
there is actually something to share!
A few weeks ago, Kris of 1" Miniatures Blog
offered kits for sale for a lovely so...
For more minis by Nadia Michaux of the *Littlest Sweet Shop*, visit:
Blog: littlestsweetshop.blogspot.co.uk
Flickr: flickr.com/photos/littlestsweetsh...
1st New Year's Resolution completed: finish the lap blanket made of
leftover scraps of yarn. It's not the prettiest of blankets, not least
because the s...
Ab sofort gibt es auf alle Webbänder und alle Glitzermotive 30% Rabatt.
Dazu müsst ihr lediglich am Ende des Bestellvorgangs beim Warenkorb in das
A Very Special Cross........
My goal each year is to try to create at least one special memory for my
daughter. Sometimes it's a garment or handbag I made...
Hiljainen on ollut blogini viime aikoina. Mineilytkin jääneet vähän
taka-alalle. Jotain pientä on kuitenkin väsätty. Olin mukana
joulukalenterissa muutama...
*Hallo Ihr fleißigen Bastlerinnen und Kreativen Mädels!*
Ich verabschiede mich hiermit von all meinen Leserinnen.
Ich habe länger darüber nachgedacht und b...
*Nach vielen vielen erfolglosen Versuchen, ich bin froh, wieder in meinem
Blog zu posten zu können! Nun möchte ich meinen Blog Freunde hallo sagen!
Ich hab...
Syksyn aikana olemme ehtineet puuhastella kaikenlaista. Alberton suuri
koetus oli järjestää ohjelmaa Toivolan Vanhan Pihan Hansapiha-tapahtumaan.
Onneksi A...
*Alexander Wang Berhenti dari Balenciaga Sebagai Creative Director *- Pada
akhir tahun 2012, *Alexander Wang* ditunjuk oleh Balenciaga sebagai
creative di...
As the daughter Brenda was a child, he was fascinated by the ice of Saturn
and its rings. Jennifer's three years old, birthday party theme is space.
But ...
Vorig jaar kocht ik bij Helene van het mini sjoppie een huisje, daar is nog
niet zoveel van gekomen om te maken. Maar heden komt het er van :-) Het is
een ...
Ciao a tutti, come state??? è passato troppo tempo per raccogliere in un
unico post le cose accadute in questi mesi... e comunque non sono poi così
It's been six years now, since my Mother was diagnosed with early onset
Alzheimer's. Within months Dad quickly became full-time caregiver, and I
took on th...
I have spent this Spring making papermache dolls using bottles as a base.
It gives them a more solid foundation than foil or paper and helps inform
the fin...
Play Full Tower Heist in Best LookNow you can watch full Tower Heist in HD
quality with duration 104 Min and has been aired on 2011-11-04 and MPAA
rating ...
I have some great news that I would love to share, but I have a suspicion
that this post will be a lonely one. I've been posting over at Facebook and
just ...
Another massive gap between blog posts, but here I am, back again. We have
recently moved house yet again and now that the dust is starting to settle
This is what my dollhouse/craft-room looks like! It´s not big, but i love
it! All my dollhouses are on the custom-made shelves on the right side, and
I hav...
Welke slimme hond wil dit nou niet?........een snuffelkleed!!, verstop er
snoepjes of brokken tussen en uw hond kan gaan snuffelen!
Gemaakt van een rubber ...
There's still room in my Chicago class. If you'd like to try landscaping in
1:144 scale, why not join us for this fun and easy project?
For details, go to...
*III Exposición de Miniaturas y Casas de Muñecas - Buenos Aires 2015*
Con mucha ilusión y alegría, y no menos esfuerzo, queremos invitarlos a la
muestra qu...
I make part of feet/shoes of needle felted doll. This is model, I made
these with clay. This is large to body, because it's to steady oneself.
I understoo...
After lots of years I decided to make a new blog for Petit Brocante
Miniatures and stop posting on this allthough Miniature Dreams will still
be open fo...
Aika on ollut niin kortilla etten ole mitään uutta saanut aikaan, mutta
tämmöinen vanha kuva löytyi koneelta. Eevan ohjeilla tehtiin kerhossa
tennareita ja...
After quite some time of absence from blogging, I decided to come back to
my favorite hobby!
Nearly 3 whole years away seem like ages, so I am slowly tryin...
Gestern haben wir einen meinen Arbeitsplätze aufgelöst und die Lücke mit
drei Schränken geschlossen. Das macht 15 Schubladen mehr, in denen ich
...y de nuevo, otra feria; y de nuevo la ilusión, los maravillosos
trabajos, las sorpresas, *los reencuentros*...
He encontrado una lámpara maravillosa, al...
We already are into the month of November and I realised I haven't posted
since February ... gosh!
I have been super busy with work, kids, family and real l...
*A partial view of the Art Science Museum from inside Marian Bay Sands*
Thanks to the haze and my laze mainly, it's been almost a month since my
last run...
Producto utilizado:MALMA
Autor: Érika
Estos son mis espejos Malma un poco tuneados. Los quería poner entre un
espejo y una columna, por lo cual, lo prime...
Kehadiran para *agen judi bola online* sangat penting bagi para pemain
judi bola online karena agen merupakan tempat dimana mereka dapat menikmati
Some of you might follow my other blog, but not all so I would like to post
it here as well. The book about The minimice is now ready! I am so exited
Dear friends, the time has come. This blog is going into retirement. I'm
packing it a suitcase stuffed with coral golf shirts, pumpkin plaid shorts,
and t...
Hello dear friends,
To begin with , a big BIG thank you for your kind word and support on my
last post.
I try to visit everyone each time I can but I have ...
Si, ieri é stato un pomeriggio molto ispirato.....
Dopo tanto tempo, ho trovato infatti l'ispirazione giusta per la mensola da
mettere sopra il lavandino de...
My Favorite new old hutch
Time for a change on the table. Still has flowers just not the roses.
Farm fresh eggs!
Gift from my daughter. Love this speci...
Ahora os muestro el dormitorio, la verdad que se me quedó pequeño para todo
lo que quería poner, los cojines sobre la cama son de las Malu,s , y el
Esta preciosa bruja llamada Sonja, la gane en una rifa que hizo
Soraya https://www.facebook.com/soraya.merinoredondo?fref=ts. Los trabajos
que hace Soraya...
I missed my yearly Halloween post, so, in lieu of that, I'm showing you
guys some other weirdness! First pic is a big produce head order. They're
all lined...
I'm taking a break from blogging. Not that I haven't been doing that
already, but I need to let all my wonderful followers know. I'm studying
full time now...
If you are thinking of choosing an Enterprise Content Management (*ECM
Nun möchte ich euch über das I-Net den Fortschritt der schönen
Geburtstagsblöckchen zeigen:
Ich habe eure Blöcke teilweise mit den beiliegenden und japa...
Hola ando desganada y se me acumulan cosas para enseñaros empezare por
enseñaros un encargo que me hicieron a primeros de año y fue muy
gratificante unos ...
María ha llegado a los 600 seguidores en su blog, y para celebrarlo sortea
este precioso armarito.
Es una joya, está totalmente pintado a mano por ella.
Miren que maravilla me ha tocado de Eva!!!
Realizó un sorteo y resulté una de las afortunadas, que manos tiene para
hacer esta y muchas maravillas, si aú...
Heute darf wieder mal gebügelt werden. Mit 3 neuen Motiven könnt Ihr Euch
ein schönes Stöffchen verzaubern. Es wurden alte und neue Grafiken
verwendet, all...
Ist das nicht ein wunderschöner Blütenkranz? Ein schönes Beispiel für
Bändchenstickerei. Das Foto schickte uns Rosemarie Conrad für unseren Blog
der Stick...
[image: Photobucket]
[image: Photobucket]
* There was a White Rabbit who dearly loved **two things...* *Dillie her
best friend, and Polka Dot rings!*
Marie-Antoinette schoentjes...en tevens naaigereitjes...
De schoentjes kosten 19,50 per stuk
Dit roze schoentje is VERKOCHT
Dit schoentje is nog beschikb...
*As I go on keeping my miniature projects on the shelves, I decided to make
some photos of my miniatures combined with my latest adventures** in the
I really hope I get to start working on the dollhouse this year. I have the
dollhouse in my living room now. Or I should call it my craft corner. I
just ne...
*Bosnien*: Sretna Nova Godina!
*China* : 新年快乐
*Finnland*: Hyvää Uutta Vuotta!
*Frankreich*: Une Bonne Année!
*Griechenland*: Kali Chronia
*Holland*: Zal...
...mit großen Schritten. Der Tannenbaum steht, die Weihnachtsplätzle sind
gebacken, die Weihnachtsgeschenke eingekauft. Nun kann das Christkind kommen
- ic...
Selling on ebay/etsy is all new to us really - I have been looking at blogs
about selling art/dolls on these kinds of sites and I am finding it fun
seeing ...
The smell and taste of hot coffee in the morning is one of life's sweetest
pleasures for me. I find it to be an immensely soothing way to start my
"La Bestia" fue un encargo de la coleccionista de personajes
extraordinarios. (65cm de altura)
En 1992 hice muy pocos muñecos de tamaño grande y me lanc...
The business that comes out on top is the one that uses every means
available for creating brand awareness and advertising its products or
The business that comes out on top is the one that uses every means
available for creating brand awareness and advertising its products or
The business that comes out on top is the one that uses every means
available for creating brand awareness and advertising its products or
Minulla oli aikaa puuhailla puusorvini kanssa ja päätin tehdä taas
maatuskanukkeja. Nämä kolme maatuskanukkea kertovat humoristisen tarinan
viinan vaar...
Ho creato una credenza shabby nel poco tempo libero.Il risultato mi sembra
buono. I have created a shabby cupboard in my few free time. I think the
Наконец-то я вышила своего весеннего зайчика.
I finished my little rabbit.
DMC prefinished bag, The Thread Gatherer silk Sweet Peas
Happy Stitching!
It has been awhile since I been on blogger or etsy...hope you all didn't
forget about me yet!!
I have been quite busy with updating my shop with new pictur...
I've not been doing a lot of minis lately, I've needed a change of focus -
literally! The old eyesight isn't what it used to be . . .
So I've been having f...
Wow, nearly six months since I posted anything or made any miniature
critters! I hate to admit it, but I think the end has come, at least for a
while if no...
You are probably tired of nostalgia for the brand restaurant supplies, and
you are still looking for stores that can provide the best price that would
be t...
Hej! Jag ser att jag fortfarande har många läsare här, men det är faktiskt
så att bloggen är NERLAGD.
Jag har börjat med den ny blogg, där jag bara har ...
*Hello everyone,*
It is way too long since I've posted here, I am deeply ashamed!
Meanwhile I, despite all the bustle of work, housework and volunteer work...
Earlier this year, I just decided to to do it. You know one of those 'its'
you've been thinking about but just hadn't gotten around to for like two
years. ...
Exchanging vows
The new Playter Family
The bride's parents
The groom's parents
The groom's sister Cheryl and her family
The groom's brother Jamie and ...
On this day of rebirth I'd like to introduce you to my new and first
granddaughter, Tallulah Aislin, born April 20. My sister in law said that I
have offic...
The winner of my giveaway is:
Grace (treefeathers).
Congratulations! Would you email me your address so I can send the giveaway
to you?
Thank you all f...
Niin, tästä taisikin olla puhetta.. Evanin kirjahyllyn ja Mummin kaapin
jälkeen siis lisää Lupescujen henkilökohtaisuuksia:
We talked about this, didn't we...
Sometimes, inspiration comes in small packages!
Last year, I received a charming little Venetian Mask as a present,
and an idea started to grow...
I'm seriously fed up with myself now!!! Last year I completely missed
Halloween because I was in hospital having my gall bladder removed and so
was REALLY ...
Peace Felt Article #1 :O)
This is an online version of Hand Eye Magazine. They have written a lovely
article that focuses on the birthing, the meaning and ...
Hello friends!! The month of May was a very busy month for me. My mothers
birthday was at the beginning of the month, and then the memory of my
This beautiful embroidery frame was made for me by Nissie Vermeulen of
Bettys Bay, South Africa. I used a hanky handed down to me by my Dutch
Grand Moth...
I found yet another new great site. Are you ready for spring yet? I am!!
This weeks templates come from Tiggconns Scraps. Take a peek at this great
blog. Cl...
Thanks to Brenda, the Comfort Doll Project continues. Please visit the new
blog and continue sending those dolls. Brenda will soon have info for where
One of my Christmas presents was a Handycam! Here's my first attempt at
making a how-to video. I see some things I need to do differently and if...
Another little creation to commemorate Halloween. I have been calling it
Boo Bear. But my daughter didn't like that. We thought Scary Larry was
funnier. Ei...
Thought I would just put on a couple of pictures to show you my fabulous
shed. It is at the top of my garden and has a beautiful view over the
wolds,on a...
For the last few days i've had a real blitz through-out the house. I've
still got a long way to go; Things like cleaning the blinds and skirting
boards an...
Wow it's been a very long time since my last post and a lot of things
happened here during that time. We've made some important life changing
decisions - w...
Anna your generosity, Piikko, moved me!
AntwortenLöschenI want to wish you and your family achieve your every wish!
kisses, Caterina
Wünsche Euch allen einen Guten Rutsch und viel Glück und Gesundheit im Neuen Jahr !
AntwortenLöschenSissi, Norbert und Amica
I hope all your wishes come true on the new year! hugs
AntwortenLöschenHappy New Year Anna!
AntwortenLöschenHey Anna,
AntwortenLöschenein Frohes Neues Jahr für Dich und Deine Familie mit viel Gesundheit wünscht
Happy New Year to you too! I am delighted to see your blog and your wonderful creations. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for following.
AntwortenLöschenMany blessings to you in this new year.
Hola Anna, gracias por tu visita y hacerte seguidora. Yo también soy seguidora tuya ahora y me encantan tus trabajos. Los sombreros me han impactado, son preciosos. Saludos.
AntwortenLöschenI love this doll, she is so cute. But how did you ever make such an intricate hat?
AntwortenLöschenladies hat and umbrella set in miniature